This analysis is based on the likelihood, from previous studies and excavations, that a [meteoritical] resource
could be affected by activities that disturb the ground surface or subsurface, including grading or excavation.
Although a portion of the site has been subjected to systematic [meteoritical] survey, surface examination often
cannot reveal whether subsurface resources exist.
Similarly, surface examination often cannot reveal whether [meteoritical] resources are present at a specific
project location. However, as described above, the rock type that underlies the project site can be of a type that
preserves [meteorites]. This analysis is based on the probability, based on previous geological studies, that
[meteoritical] resources could be affected by activities that disturb the ground surface or subsurface, including
grading or excavation.
The following thresholds of significance are based on Appendix G of the 2002 CEQA Guidelines. For purposes of
this EIR, implementation of the proposed project may have a significant adverse impact on cultural resources if it
would result in any of the following:
Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to
Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines
Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature
[Directly or indirectly destroy a unique meteoritical resource or strewn field or unique impact feature]
Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries