3.4 EXAMPLE of a section in an EIR pertaining to CULTURAL RESOURCES
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3.4 EXAMPLE of a section in an EIR pertaining to Cultural Resources
This section of an EIR uses Cultural Resource Assessment reports that are typically prepared
by contractors who are licensed/qualified experts, as well as, other published documents.
These contractors are experts in the fields of archeological and paleontological sciences, but
could just as well include the meteoritical sciences. This section usually discusses cultural
resources that would occur on a proposed project site that could be affected by the project,
evaluates potential project impacts on these resources, and provides mitigation measures
to avoid or reduce those impacts. As part of a Cultural Resources Assessment, there is an
Initial Study that is prepared by the contracted experts for a project and is included in this section
for Cultural Resources discussion purposes. These "Initial Studies" determine whether any
historic structures are located on the project site, and whether any known Native American
cultural values are associated with the project site.
This "Initial Study" also determines whether there are any geological formations that could contain
paleontological resources that could be impacted. This "Initial Study" would be the most logical
point in this process to determine whether there could be an impact to meteoritical resources.
This same study could determine whether any geological surfaces are conducive for preserving
meteorites, as well as report on whether any previous meteorite falls or finds have been
catalogued from this project area.
Therefore, the following analysis addresses "archeological and paleontological resources" but
could just as easily address meteoritical resources.
Environmental Setting
Regional and Local Setting
This section relates to the General Plan EIR
where the report identified the various geological formations in the project area that could have the
potential to yield fossil materials. If the project site was found not to have geological formations
containing significant fossils, then what is typically stated at this point in the report is this:
"The project site is not underlain by formations that the General Plan EIR identified as being
paleontologically sensitive."
Same as above but related to archeological resources.
Meteoritical [EXAMPLE - paragraph could appear here!]
Same as above but related to meteoritical resources.
In other words, this would be the most logical point in the EIR to determine whether there could be an
impact to meteoritical resources. If the surface conditions are not conducive to the preservation or
recovery of meteorites, then the following statement could appear here:
"The project site is not underlain by formations that the General Plan EIR identified as being
meteoritically sensitive."
But if a study determined that the geological surfaces were conducive for preserving meteorites,
then this is the place to discuss "mitigation monitoring". Also, if any previous meteorite falls or finds
had been reported from this project area, that history should appear hear in a table format.
Example EIR

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3.0 Environmental Analysis
Table 3.4-1
Historical Meteorite Finds and Meteorite Impact Structures (could be listed HERE)
(Reference: Meteoritical Bulletin)
Known Meteorites or Meteorite Impact Structures:
According to a records check and literature survey completed for the project, no meteoritical finds or impact structures have
been reported on or within 25 mile of the project site; in addition, no formal meteoritical reports have previously
been prepared for areas within 5 mile of the project site. Contracted experts also completed a field survey of the
project site. While no meteoritical resources were observed on the site during this survey, ground visibility was limited
to about five percent.
Source: Catalogue of Meteorites

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3.4 Cultural Resources
Regulatory Framework
Federal Regulations
The treatment of cultural resources is governed by federal and state laws and guidelines. There are specific
criteria for determining whether prehistoric and historic sites, or objects, are significant and/or protected by law.
Federal and state significance criteria generally focus on the resource's integrity and uniqueness, its relationship
to similar resources, and its potential to contribute important information to scholarly research.
Some resources that do not meet federal significance criteria my be considered significant under state criteria.
The laws and regulations seek to mitigate impacts on significant prehistoric or historic resources.
The federal and state laws and guidelines for protecting historic resources are summarized below.
Under these regulations, paleontological resources have been interpreted by agencies to be covered by the
references to "scientific" or "informational" values.
Given this precident, the inclusion of meteoritical resources for mitigation consideration
wouldn't require any change, revision, or rewording to the present regulatory framework.
State Regulations
The California Register of Historic Resources(P.R.C. Section 5020, et. seq.)
State law also protects cultural resources by requiring evaluations of the significance of prehistoric and historic
resources in CEQA documents. A cultural resource is an important historical resource if it meets any of the criteria
found in Section 15064.5(a) of the CEQA Guidelines.
The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) maintains the California Register of Historic Resources (CRHR).
Properties listed, or formally designated eligible for listing, on the NRHP are automatically listed on the CRHR, as
are State Landmarks and Points of Interest. The CRHR also includes properties designated under local ordinances
or identified through local historical resource surveys.
California Senate Bill 297 (1982)
This bill addresses the disposition of Native American burials in archaeological sites and protects such remains
from disturbance, vandalism, or inadvertent destruction; establishes procedures to be implemented if Native
American skeletal remains are discovered during construction of a project; and establishes the Native American
Heritage Commission to resolve disputes regarding the disposition of such remains. It has been incorporated into
Section 15064.5(e) of the State CEQA Guidelines.
General Plan Policies
The General Plan contains no objectives or policies that pertain to archaeological or paleontological [or meteoritical] resources.
Thresholds of Significance
This analysis is based on the likelihood, from previous studies and excavations, that a [meteoritical] resource
could be affected by activities that disturb the ground surface or subsurface, including grading or excavation.
Although a portion of the site has been subjected to systematic [meteoritical] survey, surface examination often
cannot reveal whether subsurface resources exist.
Similarly, surface examination often cannot reveal whether [meteoritical] resources are present at a specific
project location. However, as described above, the rock type that underlies the project site can be of a type that
preserves [meteorites]. This analysis is based on the probability, based on previous geological studies, that
[meteoritical] resources could be affected by activities that disturb the ground surface or subsurface, including
grading or excavation.
The following thresholds of significance are based on Appendix G of the 2002 CEQA Guidelines. For purposes of
this EIR, implementation of the proposed project may have a significant adverse impact on cultural resources if it
would result in any of the following:
Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to
Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines
Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature
[Directly or indirectly destroy a unique meteoritical resource or strewn field or unique impact feature]
Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries
End of Example EIR