Newsletter for Orphaned Meteorites from USA – Volume 1 No. 2 -- March 2015
by Robert Verish

Bob's Bulletin

A newsletter for "orphaned" meteorites from the USA.

Petrographic Description for Meteorite N080621B

Field ID Number N080621B
Newsletter 01-2
Location Nevada, USA
Thin-section ID Number V009
Dimensions x 3cm x 2.5cm
Weight 29.5 grams
Type Specimen 7.4 gram endcut - plus thin-section
Class Ordinary Chondrite
Weathering Grade high (very likely above "W3")
Shock Stage low (most likely "S2" or lower)
Macroscopic Description -- R. Verish
This fragment of a chondrite has a relict fusion crust. A cut surface shows that the interior is brecciated; clasts have a yellowish-brown matrix with chondrules and inclusions that are small, and a modest metal-grain content. Clasts are surrounded by narrow, dark-brown melt-veins.
Thin Section Description -- R. Verish
The section exhibits a brecciated pattern having clasts with small chondules, and most are poorly-defined in a light-brown groundmass of fine-grained silicates, troilite and rare metal. The meteorite is weathered. Mosaic shock effects are present. Silicates are equilibrated. This meteorite is probably a high-shock, equilbrated H-chondrite.
USA Orphaned Meteorite Images for Specimen ID# N080621B

Main-mass (is the bottom slab) -- -- -- | -- -- -- (the top slab is...) the Type-specimen

For for more information, please contact me by email:
bolidechaser at yahoo-dot-com