Bob's Bulletin
A newsletter for "orphaned" meteorites from the USA.
Field ID Number | N140527 |
Newsletter | 01-2 |
Location | Nevada, USA |
Thin-section ID Number | V026 |
Dimensions | 6cm x 3.5cm x 2cm |
Weight | 42 grams |
Type Specimen | Entire specimen is available to be used as a type-specimen and for thin-sectioning. |
Class | Ordinary Chondrite |
high (probably "W3") | |
low (most likely "S2" or lower) | |
Macroscopic Description -- R. Verish | |
The dark, orange-brown exterior of this chondrite has no fusion crust. In fact, several chondrules are quite visible, standing in high relief, suggesting that the groundmass is not very resistant to weathering.The interior is a dark-brown matrix with low metal-grain content and the chondrules and inclusions are quite variable in size. | |
Thin Section Description -- R. Verish | |
TBD - This meteorite is probably a low-shock, equilbrated L-chondrite. |